Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The (Long Awaited) 1st Project Update

The official (wider) GlasgowSAVE Project team met for the first time on the 9th of May to discuss all activities for the project to date and identify our strategy for commencing the project.

It was a great meeting where we discussed some very exciting possibilities and outlined the main focus of our research.

The project team concluded that a strong foundation of research is indeed key to the success and sustainability of our future alumni volunteering project and so I have commenced what seems like a mammoth task of compiling research against the following criteria (in 3 stages) :

1st stage : due early June
- Overview of Alumni volunteering across the sector, Russell Group, Universitas 21 and other national universities with notable alumni engagement activity

2nd stage: due early July
- Comprehensive internal audit of existing alumni activity at the University of Glasgow and reflection on how services, schools and faculties may benefit from and like to feed into any future alumni engagement programme

3rd stage: TBC
- Alumni Focus , exploring what kind of expectations some of our graduates might have about their future involvement with the University

- Student focus , exploring how our current students would like to engage with alumni with a view to enhancing their employability upon graduation

1st stage research has been underway for a couple of weeks , updates to follow shortly.

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