Monday, 11 July 2011

Great On-line Networks

If our Alumni Volunteering Programme could produce a community like this (on a much smaller scale) I'd be a very happy project officer. Some great examples of engaging with an on-line community through blogs and interesting discussions.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Database Officer: The New Start

For all the regular readers, you may have noticed a new name on the right hand side of this page (if you logged on in the last five minutes) and that is Pete Speak - Database Officer.

Today marks my first day in post, working alongside the awesome and supremely talented Laura Henaghan. Over the past few weeks, I have met Laura on a number of occasions to discuss the SAVE project and have been impressed by her enthusiasm. Now that I'm in post, I'm looking forward to digesting the large amount of information that Laura has passed on and being able to output some of the information that she's looking for from our database, the Raiser's Edge.
So starting today, that means an internal audit of all the volunteer information that we already hold! Here's to identifying all the volunteers that have given their time and expertise to the University of Glasgow over the years!
